Whew! Been a long week, and I haven't even had the time to pay attention to that huge fantastic romance across the pond. I've got a bit o'news! I got the edits for Please Remember Me and I'm happy to say they are back and in the editors hands. Yay!!! I'm also darned proud to say the edits for What Might Have Been are also back in the hands of the editor. Double Yay!
And since I'm spreading the news...I got a release date for Ever Fallen in Love!! August 15th!! Can you tell I'm excited? Sure am!
I've still got at least one sub out there floating around. Can't wait to hear about it...I'd love positive news, but yanno, the chips will fall where they will.
My goal for this week is to get the Farmer really going. I keep saying I will and I keep falling down on the job. I don't really have an excuse. Just busy. So that's the plan. Get the farmer in shape so I can (hopefully) resub him. I'm sure he'd tired of being in the box waiting for his turn.
Some important dates:
* I'm doing a book signing at the Sandusky Borders on May 1st from 1-3 with my dear friend Deb Alferio.
* May 23rd is the release day for Please Remember Me from Total-E-Bound!
* May 25th I'm chatting on Coffee Time's Erotic Loop in conjunction with the release. Come join me!! I'm giving away a GC to BN or Amazon!
* May 25th I'm also going to be at Brandyz's blog, talking about, you guessed it, Please Remember Me!!!
That's the news of the nation. Mark your calendar and prepare to join me. It's going to be a great time!
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