Welcome! I'm so glad you could stop by!! You're well known for your action packed suspense books, why the suspense story versus maybe a simple boy meets girl?
I think because I’m addicted to action and suspense movies. I grew up reading mysteries rather, lived near an Air Force base, had a fascination with all things law enforcement than romance and because in my mind the alpha male is connected with action and suspense. And I love a good heart pounding story.
Absolutely. I could watch A-Team over and over and never get tired of it. I just love music and the music industry. I'd love to know what was the inspiration behind Downstroke?
I have to go back to the ten years I spent in the music business managing rock and country performers and the influence it had on me. I was listening to an old tape of a concert one of my bands had opened for and remembering the electricity in the air and the magic of the night. And then I met a man who in my mind looked like the prototype of a hero I was doodling around with. So between the music and the guy Dallas Creed was born. And while it is a suspense-there I go with the action again!-it really is at its heart a love story of two people who have to put twenty years of bitterness behind them and faced what has become a mature love. It’s a character study as much as a suspense story with the music industry as a backdrop. So. Three things I love that all came together for this.
Sounds exciting. I'll bet its a true treasure trove of info for books. Since I'm a newer writer, what wisdom do you have to pass down to new or pre-pubbed authors?
Get out there and develop a presence for yourself. Don’t overdo it, but join Yahoo groups and identify yourself. Take opportunities to let people know who you are and what you write about. Talk to other authors to find out the sites that have worked the best for them. Ask other authors if you can join in chats with them, blog with them, anything that will get your name out there. Get a Facebook and Twitter page. Make people aware of you. And always be respectful. Never, ever whine on the Internet about anything, It will come back to bite you.
Absolutely. You never know what will end up being a thorn in the side. Good idea to be cautious. Your book, Downstroke, is set in the music industry. What is your favorite music?
Country rock, definitely.
Yay! Another country music fan. I use country when I write, too. Did any specific music inspire the story?
An album called Duets with Emmy Lou Harris and others who partnered with her. Especially the song, We Believe In Happy Endings.
I grew up listening to Emmy Lou Harris. Her and a bunch of Patsy Cline. Since we're talking about music, if you could create a soundtrack to the story, what would it include?
The song I just named along with some Toby Keith and Lady Antebellum.
Toby Keith strikes me as the kind of guy who would be an ideal Desiree Holt hero, too. Now its time to switch to some silly questions. If you can't have fun, what fun is there? Heels or flats?
Flats. Most definitely.
I'm so short, heels are my lifeline. :-) Favorite vacation destination? (And has this influenced your writing?)
Any place in Texas and yes, it has absolutely influenced it.
Never been to the Lone Star state, but I'd love to go. If I peeked into your reading selections, what are you reading right now?
A Creed in Stone Creek by Linda Lael Miller
That book was fantastic. Great hero. Since we're talking shop, what are some of your favorite authors?
Oh, way too many to name. I’d be sure to leave out someone important. But I do credit Joey Hill with inspiring me.
Joey Hill is one of my "I want to grow up to be" authors. It's raining here, so my next question is, thunderstorms or sunny weather?
Sunny weather.
And last but not least (since I know I've been known to soapbox), what's your pet peeve?
Rude people and people who whine.

It’s been twenty years since Charley Roper and Dallas Creed parted with great bitterness. In that time she’s made a career for herself with the FBI and private security and he’s been a country rock music icon…tumbled to the bottom and risen again. Now someone’s trying to kill him and Morgan Creed wants Charley to protect his brother and find out who’s after him. When they meet again after all this time it’s obvious the chemistry is still there, stronger than ever. They’re older but are they wiser? Caught up in the bitter wash of memories and the tension of a killer in stalking mode, Charley and Dallas begin a roller coaster ride that is emotional erotic and suspenseful. Is their love strong enough after twenty years to pull them back together?
Twenty years ago Dallas Creed and Charley Roper were lovers with their entire future
ahead of them. Until they split. Badly. Now he’s a country rock icon who made it to the top, hit bottom but is back at the top of his game. And Charley’s the private security specialist hired to protect him from an unknown killer in stalking mode. Caught up in the bitter wash of memories they begin a roller coaster ride that is suspenseful, emotional and erotic. Is their love strong enough to erase the past and bring them back together before the killer strikes again?

Oh, this is going on my TBR list. But to wet the whistle a little more....here's an excerpt of Downstroke:
I felt unwelcome tears prick my eyelids. Me, the woman who, these days, thought of emotions as a disease. His voice was stronger now, the essence of it so much more mature. How had I missed such talent back then? Missed what he was really meant to do? But I knew the answer. I’d been so involved in plans—plans for my career, for his, for our future. A future I simply created without really talking to him about it. Assumptions can just kill you.
The song built to its amazing finish, the rhythm guitars and the strong bass emphasized by the pounding drumbeat, until they reached the final chord, the final notes. Dallas tilted his head back, arm raised upward, and suddenly everything stilled. He removed his guitar and set it on a stand, then bowed his head to the audience. Noise erupted like fireworks, the crowd cheering and whistling and stamping its feet, and screaming his name.
The sheer stage magnetism of the man and the incredible quality of his music would have stirred a dead person. I had clapped along with the others, tapping my foot to the beat. I was breathless, despite my intention not to be affected.
He bowed his head once more then waved to the crowd as he jogged back to the wings. I noticed he skipped his usual walk along the edge of the stage to shake the hands of those who’d crowded their way up there. A safety feature, I was sure. I was also sure it was Morgan who’d insisted on it.
The crowd stayed on its feet, the applause resonating, the band playing the chorus over and over until the house lights came up and they finally realized Dallas Creed was done for the night. The entire performance had been amazing. Polished. Electric. Emotional. The adjectives piled up on top of each other in my head and still they missed the mark. Dallas Creed had a magic you didn’t get with practice. It came from inside the soul. Why hadn’t I seen it all those years ago?
Do you want to follow Desiree Holt's tour? Do you want to win a Downstroke t-shirt? You sure do! Click here to follow the tour! Good luck!!!!
Welcome Desiree! I'm so glad you could stop by. Feel free to make yourself at home.
I think I am cyber stalking you and did not know it LOL
Congratulations on your 100th book! That is a HUGE accomplishment.
Lovely picture, glad to put a face to the 'voice' in my emails!
Hi Karenne! (waving wildly). Glad you could make it. Isn't Desiree awesome. 100 books...ups the ante for all of us. :-)
I am enjoying the daily dose of Desiree:) It is enjoyable to 'get to know' such a great author:) Congrats on the 100th book!
I am having fun, checking out all the blogs featuring Desiree. Huge congratulations of the 100th book.
Thanks for stopping by!! Isn't it cool to have 100 releases? I'm in awe.
Hi Jean,
Glad you stopped by! I'm in awe of Desiree, too. :-)
Maybe someday all us authors and aspiring authors can grow up to be her.
Who wouldn't want to have that many published works.
Beth, You are so right. Thanks for stopping by!! Good luck!
What an accomplishment 100 books! Amazing!
Isn't that fantastic? :-) Thanks for stopping by Maria!!
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