Sunday, May 1, 2011

Monday Moans

I thought I'd stop by today for a short post. I'm in between races and have a moment of free time. I'm a crew chief co the Blitz Racing teams. My good friend Tucker races for us, too. Its a good place to be. Great people. Great resources. Ok, there is one person there... I don't know. I care about her, but I'm married to the race team... I am my job. I don't think she gets that. Then again, I don't always get it. I'm scared to tell her I care ave scare to tell her my secrets. I have some ghosts in my... past that I don't think she'd approve if right off. Sucks. I think I love her. I mean I can't see life without her, I'm just not how to keep her in my life.... Enough for now.


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