Rebecca Royce stops by right here, tomorrow with her book, Love Beyond Sanity. You totally want to come back and comment. Why? She's giving away a $50 Amazon.com gift certificate to one randomly drawn commenter during the tour. I'm all over that.
Where can you go to follow her tour? Click the banner above or right here.
But let's get started with the interview!
What was your favorite scene to write in Love Beyond Sanity?
All of the scenes between Charma and Jason were outstandingly fun to write. But, having said that, there is a scene that takes place between two characters who are meant to be together but don’t know it yet that was really incredible to create. It still stays with me as one of my favorite moments.
What was the inspiration behind Love Beyond Sanity?
I’m not really sure. Unfortunately, I never know where my ideas come from.
What is the most interesting thing you’ve done in the name of research?
I went to the Mote Museum in Sarasota, Florida and looked at a Giant Squid that is encased there. That was really fun!

What do you consider as the most frustrating side of becoming a published author and what has been the most rewarding?
The most frustrating part is the time I spend away from writing having to do other things. I really wish I could write all the time when I am not with my kids. The most wonderful part is hearing from readers that they enjoyed the book!
What accent inspires you to do naughty things?
He-He. My husband is Southern so I will start with that but then I will also say British. He-He.
Name something readers would be surprised to learn about you?
Readers know an awful lot about me now but something that would still surprise them? I’m five foot ten inches tall.
If you could ask the readers one question what would it be?
What paranormal creature would you like to see more of?
What’s your writing process like?
I open up a blank document, double space it, and write the chapter heading. Then I write that chapter until I have reached 13 pages. In my first draft, all my chapters are 13 pages.
What can readers expect next from you?
Right now, I am writing the next Westervelt Wolves book. But I think that I should have several releases upcoming before that one is finished. Probably another Outsider book.
What is the best thing about being a writer? The worst?

The best thing about being a writer is getting to share the stories that inside of my head with all of you. That is such a gift. I think most writers would complain about copy edits and promotion but they are ‘high-brow’ problems, if you will. We’re not really complaining. We don’t like them but they are issues we are happy to have.
What is your method of breaking through writer’s block?
I write something else. If I cannot make headway with what I am doing than I close the chapter and write another story. I have several published books that came out of that method.
What fuels you as an author to continue to write?
I can’t seem to stop. For me, it’s a compulsion.
Can you tell us a bit about what book(s) you have coming out next and what you’re working on now?
Right now, I am writing the next Westervelt Wolves book. It is Rex’s story. And I expect to have another Outsider book release as well as another Conditioned book. I have so many series going on all at once right now that they are almost exclusively what I am writing.
When you get a chance to read, what books do you love to read?
I do love to read and right now I am drawn to Paranormal Romance, Urban Fantasy Books, and Contemporary Suspense Romances.
What bores you as a reader?
Nothing really bores me as a reader.
What is your favorite feature on a person?
Their eyes….sigh.
What is your favorite time of day?
At night, after the kids have gone to bed, when I can lay around with my husband.
What music gets you dancing?
Pop music.
Aliens have landed on the planet. What are the three things you would tell them that are great about this planet?
1. Italian Food
2. French Red Wine
3. The View Of The Sun Setting Over The Ocean
You have been locked in a mall and told you can get anything you want and when they open in the morning you won’t have to pay a single cent. What stores would you hit? Better question how would you haul away all your loot?
I have a mini-van. We would get the job done getting the stuff out. The truth? I would hit up Barnes and Noble, the Purse Department of the Department Store, and the gaming section of the electronics store. I am just not that into clothes…
If you could share one major writing tip, to help other writers in their quest for publication, what would it be?
Write every day. If you want this to be your job, treat it like a job. People go to their jobs every day.
If you could write in any other genre what would it be, and why?
I would love to write Historicals. But I cannot take the research. I’m always afraid I would get something completely wrong.
Where can we find out more about you and your work?
And finally, have you got a sneak peek excerpt from your current work in progress you can share with my readers and me? The hotter the better!
From my current Work In Progress? Well, hmm, I haven’t written the hot stuff yet in that book but I’ll give you a taste of what I do have.
The smell of human overindulgence wafted through his nose, making him want to turn on his heel and go out the way he’d gone in.
Rex Kane observed the scene before him with a strange amount of detachment, considering he was currently seeing his mate for the very first time. Two women—no, witches, he corrected—lay in strangely positioned forms frozen on the floor. Twins, he would guess them to be. Possibly even identical. He sniffed the air. Yep, they had matching scents. They were the very rare, but absolutely possible oddity, of identical twins. He would never be able to tell them apart, not by smell anyway.
Here's the blurb for Love Beyond Sanity:

Eighteen years earlier, Charma lost her destined soul mate. Convinced he must be dead, she kept her fears to herself so as not to destroy the morale of the Outsiders who already live with a shaky prophecy as their only guide.
Dr. Jason Randall is a man used to getting what he wants. There has never been a problem he couldn't out think or a situation he wasn't capable of handling.
Now they are both hunted by not one but two demons as they lead the slowly forming group of Outsiders out of the darkness and back into the light. The two strong souls will have to decide if prophecy alone is enough reason to stay together through insane odds...or if love is their true fate.
And an Excerpt:
"Oh, Dr. Randall, you are so limited. The Fates, Destiny, the Gods chose you, however it is that you are comfortable describing it. Veli Destrand, before he died, used to call it 'the good side'. He was pretty accurate in that." She laughed. "Such a shame he's dead and you won't get to meet him until I send you to death. But in the mean time you're so exciting to play with."
He didn't see it coming. The electrical current struck his body with what he could only imagine was the force of an eighteen-wheeler. His entire being shook from the experience. His insides burned as if he were a mere piece of toast. Without surprise, he fell to the hard ground.
Breathe. It was nearly impossible to perform that basic function. Eventually, it would pass. He knew this because he'd been going through this experience at least once a day since he'd been stuck in his own mind's creation, but each time she electrocuted him, it seemed to get worse.
Now you want to know about Rebecca Royce. Here you go!
As a teenager, Rebecca Royce would hide in her room to read her favorite romance novels when she was supposed to be doing her homework. She hopes, these days, that her parents think it was well worth it.
Rebecca is the mother of three adorable boys and is fortunate to be married to her best friend. They live in northern New Jersey and try not to freeze too badly during the winter months.
She's in love with science fiction, fantasy, and the paranormal and tries to use all of these elements in her writing. She's been told she's a little bloodthirsty so she hopes that when you read her work you'll enjoy the action packed ride that always ends in romance. Rebecca loves to write series because she loves to see characters develop over time and it always makes her happy to see her favorite characters make guest appearances in other books.
In Rebecca Royce's world anything is possible, anything can happen, and you should suspect that it will.
Thanks for the interesting interview. I see my question about writing in other genres was asked and answered. I was pleased to see that although you would like to write a historical romance, you hesitate because of the research involved. I have read historicals written by authors who excel in their chosen genres but fall flat on their faces when writing historical primarily because the didn't do proper research. That bugs the h**l out of me and I have a hard time finishing a book like that. Can you tell I read primarily historical romances? LOL
I agree authors should stretch themselves and branch out but it needs to be done properly or they lose credibility...but that's just MHO!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoyed your interview, it was very interesting.
Thanks Rebecca! Never imagined you were so tall! I feel like a shrimp. I get what you're saying about the historicals. I wrote one and I drove myself berserk with research. I totally get it. Thanks for stopping by and Have a Great Holiday!
I'd love to see you write Historicals Rebecca, but I do understand about the research.
I hope the Aliens will be satisfied enough with the food, the wine and the setting sun. I know I'm sold already! ;-)
This has been a great blog tour love all the great posts and can't wait to read this book! Thank you so much for the great giveaway!
tishajean@ charter.net
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