Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Dana Littlejohn is Right Here Tomorrow!

My pal Dana Littlejohn is stopping by tomorrow for her blog tour for Releasing the Baggage. Want to know more about her? More about the book? Want to win a promotional: t-shirt, a key chain, an ink pen and a baseball style hat? She's giving them away to a randomly drawn commenters during the tour, so comment early and often.

Here's a little bit about Dana:
Dana Littlejohn was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY, but has called Indianapolis, IN her home for over 10 years. Her love for writing started as a young girl in junior high school where she discovered her first romance novel. Falling in love with love she started writing her own ongoing story in weekly installments to entertain her friends as they passed it around the lunch room.

When she became an adult she put her love for writing on hold to do the start a family, but in 2003 with encouragement from her husband she picked up her pen again. This time she has no intention on putting it down. To date she has written 3 full length novels, 11 novellas, 36 short stories and has had her stories in 3 anthologies under her own name and a pseudo for another genre. Her do-do list grows daily and the ideas flow freely. Keep an eye out for what she has coming next.

Twitter: @authordanalittlejohn

Jerri Ivory was over divorce cases, but when your boss asks you to do him a favor...

During the important case, her boss is killed and she becomes a suspect all while she is trying to get to know Felix, a man her friend Linda hooked her up with. With all the mayhem going on in her life can Felix slow her down long enough to show her they were meant to be?

Excerpt 1:

Linda nodded. “Yes, ma'am, Pumpkin. Her mother was a flower child back in the sixties so she ended up with a name no one can say without practice. Pumpkin is just simpler,” she explained.

Bob and Helen looked at each other, then nodded a greeting to her.

Pumpkin waved at them. “Hi.”

Felix chuckled. “Then Pumpkin it is. Hi,” he said, offering his hand.

Frieda barely nodded at the older couple then pushed Pumpkin out the way to shake Felix's hand.

“How are you, Felix?”

“I'm fine, Frieda. How are you?”

“I'm doing much better now,” she said, flashing him a smile.

Linda bumped her out of the way, breaking their handshake. She pulled Jerri in front of her. “And this is my friend Jerri.”

“Jerri? I don't think I've ever met a woman name Jerri. Is it short for something?” Felix asked.

“No. My mother had a major crush on Jerry Lewis when she was young. When she found out she was pregnant she announced to my father that whatever the baby was she was naming it Jerri.” She shook his extended hand and shrugged. “Needless to say my father was not happy about it, but here I am anyway, Jerri Ann Ivory.”

Felix laughed. “Does he call you Jerri?”

“Oh, no. He gave me my middle name and always called me Annie.”

“Well it's a pleasure to meet you, Jerri.”

Come on back tomorrow!!!

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