Wednesday, August 29, 2012

WIP Wednesdays

trebuchet / 123RF Stock Photo

It's time for the WIPs. What's in the works. Grin.

I got to take a ride on the Clandestine Classics train and did my take on The Phantom of the Opera. Kinky. It's finally in and in line edits so I can talk about it.

I've got another super secret project to complete and since it's ALMOST there, I'm a happy girl. Let's just say there are toys, a flogger, a crop and a sex table involved. Grin.

Until the Night, the follow up to My Immortal has been contracted by Total-E-Bound. Should be out in February-ish. Just in time for Valentine's Day. Gypsy, Kendall, Todd, AND Allan. Yeah, it gets crazy in there!!!

I've still got the same should-be done books in the pile waiting patiently. Unless Flash sends me a plot bunny--which is very possible. Today is Wednesday. Oh well. Back to the bat cave. :-)

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