This hop has to do with how we feel about the Fourth of July. I love the Fourth. I love military heroes and men in uniform. Grin. So read on to learn a little bit about my military story, You'll Think of Me, then keep reading because with a little work on your part, there are prizes up for grabs!
The man of her dreams finally came home from the war, but is he still the man she remembers or have his demons changed him forever?
Melanie Roberts loved her best friend more than she could ever imagine, and for longer than she wants to admit. Though once lovers, she's resigned herself to being no more than his best friend and roommate. On the eve of his return from deployment in Iraq, in order to keep her heart from breaking, she decides she's moving on—after one last sexy night.
Cade Nicholson has come to a decision. As he comes home damaged in both body and soul from his latest deployment, all he wants is to find comfort in Melanie's arms. Unsure and unsteady in expressing his love to the only woman to hold his heart, he has to find a way to convince her of his true feelings.
Can two best friends overcome their demons to prove their love for one another before past decisions come back to haunt them and it’s too late?
Reader Advisory: This book contains anal and outdoor sex.
Available here!
And now for my part of the hop...I'm going to make you do some work! So what do you have to do? Leave a comment. What is your favorite part of the Fourth of July? The picnics? The parades? The band music? The fireworks? Let me know. Then leave your name and email so I can contact you if you win and you're in the hat for a copy of You'll Think of Me and a $5 Gift card to Amazon! Want more chances? Follow me on Facebook, follow my blog, and to follow me on Twitter, and sign up for my newsletter right here.
The contest ends July 1st at midnight, so act now. I'll announce the winner right here on the blog on July 2nd as well as I'll email the winner!
Go forth, hop and have fun! here's the rest of the folks taking part in the hop!
Best part of 4th of July besides the cookouts and fireworks is that today we celebrate our freedom thanks to those men hundreds of years ago, who fought and sacrificed for us.
FB-Dawna Newman
email sub- vampiremistress2010(at)gmail(dot)com
My fave part is definitely the fireworks but spending time with my family is pretty great too!!! Thanks for the chance to win. already a follower.
Oh wow, I loved the blurb and you have my heart melting and wanting to read your awesome book.
I love the 4th for many reason, one I am very patriotic for I am a disabled veteran and come from a family full of veterans.
For celebrating I love the family get together and the fun and excitement I see in my grown kids eyes and their children's fascination with lighting the fireworks. My 3 yr old grand son likes the big ones he says. LOL
Thank you so much for being apart of the hop and I hope you had a wonderful 4th of July.
I love the grilling and eating!
The best part is spending time with family, cooking out and relaxing.
FB - Susan White
blog follow - suz2(at)cox(dot)net
The best part of the holiday is the watching the fireworks with family. Thanks for the giveaway.
I enjoy spending time with my family.
GFC - Lisa G
FB - Lisa George
Twitter - @wolphcall
I love the fireworks and watching my grandkids face light up when they see them.
GFC - Sue Sattler
Facebook - Sue Sattler
Twitter - @armyma32
My kids love the parade, so that has become my favorite part. Love to enjoy it with them. Thanks for being in the hop. Looks like a good book, adding it to my wishlist.
After spending time with my family and eating lots of great food, the best thing to do is to sit and watch the fireworks.
Thanks for being part of the hop and for the chance to win.
reneebennett35 (at) yahoo (dot) com
The best part of the 4th is spending time with my family! I love the getting together to watch the fireworks with the kids
I love the fireworks and getting together with family.
magic5905 at embarqmail dot com
Oh, this one sounds so good!
As for Independence Day, I love the fireworks, cookout, and usually attending a music event down by the river.
bas1chsemail at gmail dot com
The best part of the 4th is the fireworks!
Love the BBQs and fireworks!
GFC follower: laceyblossom
twitter follower: @laceyblossom
newsletter: laceyblossom1(at)gmail(dot)com
Thanks for the giveaway!
The full celebration of what it stands for!
FB- Christina Cessna
email sub- imajicasnow@inbox.com
Twitter- @imajicasnow
All my names that I follow under are Imajicasnow or Christina Cessna
ps I think you have the dates posted wrong for this hop.
Do I have to pick? I love all those things. I would say any of them done with my family would be the best.
GFC: Sophia Rose
FB: Sally Michele Shaw
Twitter: sophiarose1816
Thanks for participating in the hop and for the giveaway opportunity.
I would say the fireworks and cookouts.
Independence Day is one of my favorite holidays! I love spending time with the family, BBQs, and drinking beer!
Thanks to all of the service men and women who gave and continue to give me this freedom!
I stalk every way possible:
FB: Mel Bourn
Twitter: @MelCamino5
Email/blog: bournmelissa at hotmail dot com
My favorite part is spending time with my family and seeing the smiles on my daughters faces!
Thanks for the giveaway!
FB: Maria Smith
Twitter: @Maria_Smith_76
Blog/GFC" Maria Pronounced Mariah
mmafsmith at gmail dot com
Thanks for taking part in this giveaway.
FB: Karen Haas
GFC: Karen H in NC
signed up for your newsletter
kareninnc at gmail dot com
I'm an international follower so I don't celebrate 4th of July :)
Thanks for the giveaway!
GFC-Janhvi Jagtap
justjanhvi at gmail dot com
My favorite part is the fireworks but the food is a close second. Thanks for the giveaway.
fireworks and food!!!
acouponaddict at charter dot net
I love the fireworks. They are so beautiful and we have a great show near the house and I love watching the faces of my kids watching the fireworks. :)
Jody Duffy
My favorite thing about the 4th is the family get together for food and fireworks.
koonie2888 at yahoo dot com
The food is my favorite part.
geishasmom73 at yahoo dot com
I ty Wendie for the chance to win.
I am following you on fb
Scott McFadden; skyoak69@gmail.com
And Twitter: @orin_drix
My favorite part of the fourth is spending time with family and friends to really appreciate that we can...and then there is the added bonus of fireworks!
My favorite things about the fourth is what I call the 5 f's...food, family, fun, fireworks...and freedom!!!
Fb Andie Wardlow
Blog follower gfc Andrea Wardlow and email and Newsletter
Best part of the 4th is all the patriotism and spending time with my kiddos and parents. The reading time and the fireworks are awesome too!
FB: Reviews By Molly
GFC:Reviews By Molly
Newsletter: molly(@)reviewsbymolly(.)com
Thanks for the giveaway.
GFC - Sherry S.
newsletter subscriber
sstrode at scrtc dot com
the best part of the 4th for me is the fireworks! I love them they are beautiful and symbolic.
I am a GFC follower Carin
FB Carin Walker
Twitter MAWmum
and I signed up for your newsletter thanks so much.
Carin mawmom(@)gmail.com
My favorite part of the fourth is time spent with family!
I follow you on FB, via GFC and get your newsletter!
Lisa Hackney
I love the food, corn on the cob, hot dogs and watermelon.The other things are nice, too. :-)
deb P
Facebook: Deb Pelletier
News letter: r.d1@myfairpoint.net
Twitter: RenaldDeb
I love the fireworks! I follow on FB/Kathy Ross-Twitter/@my2sons1959-email-kathyross75@yahoo.com.
I liked you on FB..Larissa Rodgers
My favorite part of the 4th is heading up north and getting together with the family for a long weekend full of fun!!
Thanks for the chance to win :)
raynman1979 at yahoo dot com
The fireworks are #1 for me.
FB follower Anne M.
The picnic is the best part for me, chatting, playing games with good company.
emily.heisler @ gmail.com
I love the fireworks.
GFC follow
Jennifer Rote
wildnmild4u at yahoo dot com
Thanks for the contest!
blog follower
twitter follower
facebook follower
newsletter signup
My favorite part of 4th of July is spending time with my family.
GFC: June M.
Twitter: @juneannm
FB: June Manning
newsletter subscriber via email:
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com
I lovvvvvvvvvvvve it Wen I spend time with family & my kids cook espeically 4 me..:D I love hanging out at goodreads & blogging.
My favorite part is definitely the fireworks. Generally we have a BBQ but not this year oddly enough. LOL
Thank you for the giveaway!
GFC: VanillaOrchids
Twitter: @VanillaOrchids
Facebook: Pam Rosensteel
Email subscriber: vanillaorchids69(at)gmail(dot)com
I like watching the fireworks go off from our back deck. Thx for this giveaway op! :) Following via:
GFC, newsletter and email.
barbbattaglia @ yahoo.com
Hello Wendi,
Thank you for participating in the Cocked & Loaded, Shootin’ Stars, & Blasting Giveaway Hop.
Well we celebrated the 4th of July of the 5th because my Hubby is a Police Officer, 32 years & still going strong) & the 4th is one of their busiest days. But we always enjoy celebrating with family at our house on the 5th with a cookout & a pool volley ball game…& it’s always the start of my Hubby’s vacation time.
I would very much appreciate the opportunity to be considered in your very generous giveaway of a copy of “You'll Think of Me” & a $5Gift card to Amazon! Thank You.
Take Care Wendi & Stay Naughty,
PaParanormalFan (Renee’ S.)
paranormalromancefan at yahoo dot com
Thank you for the contest! following GCF, facebook, twitter, emial
I'm not in the US, so we don't celebrate it over here at all:)
spamscape [at] gmail [dot] com
The thing I love most about the 4th is the camaraderie! I love how most people are friendly to strangers. :)
Don't get me wrong, I love the food too. ;)
Thank you for the wonderful giveaway, Wendi! I already have this one on my TBR.
FB ~ Tina Becker
Twitter ~ @trb0917
Mewsletter ~ trb0917 at gmail.com
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