Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What the? Wednesday...The Scariness of Submission

Submission. I know where your mind went. In some ways, you're right. There's a little of that in this post. And there's a little of a different kind of submission.

I'm working my heart out on a couple stories right now. One has to do with a menage. Yup. That one. Still not done with it. Not always a good thing. It's due by the end of the month. So if I want to sub it, then I need to get my buns in gear. That one has some fun submission and some yummy manlove. Yes. Megan convinced me to write some more m/m/f. And I liked it.

And then there's this other story. I've got a story I subbed last summer. Pitched it in person and everything. Needless to say, it was given a R&R. Revise and Resubmit. That would've been fine, had I not oh, I don't know...let it sit for more than a month. I worked my tail feathers off on it and then passed it on to a CP. Problem is, she kinda forgot about it...between forgetting about it and then finding out it was really not in shape...I haven't bothered to resubmit it. It's not that I don't want to. Far from that. I'd LOVE to resub it. I just didn't realize how bad off it was when I'd subbed it in the first place.

Hence my scared-y-cat-ness. I get all excited when a story is close to being ready but the queasiness that accompanies actually submitting...strikes every time.


I've got a sub in right now. It's a favorite of mine. So if it gets shot down, I'll be honest, it'll be a bit painful. Why? It's the polished and rewritten version of my very first MS. I call it the 6YOMS (6 year old manuscript). We'll see. And have fingers crossed.

You ever experienced the "I really need to ralph because I sent in a sub" feeling? Share your story. I'm all ears. Or eyes. Whatever. Let me know.

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