I love Flirty Friday because I get to share what's new and next for me as a writer. Today, I'm being interviewed on CR Moss' blog!! Yeah! Click here to read it. I'm stoked. She was here on Wednesday. If you didn't read the interview, well, you should. It was fun.
What else is new? I'm doing NaNo. Yup. Sicko that I am, I'm going to give it a whirl. Why? I don't actually have a novel ready to write. Yeah, I need to get either Summer or Maggie's story written, but they aren't talking. So what am I gonna do? This should prolly stay a secret, but I'm positive I am not the only person to do this. I've got three shorts that need done. One that's 25k (or should be), another that's the same length, and one that's roughly 16k. Kinda need to get those going. So...NaNo here I come! Megan's joining me, so it should be a blast. Still not sure what's up with Gypsy, but really, the girl dances - literally - to her own drum, so anything is possible.
That's all for now. Check out the interviews. You'll be glad you did!
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