I never know what to post on Thursdays. Why? It's a crazy day for me. Family needs me more. My time is precious on Thursdays and well, I run out of blogging ideas. Sad.
I'd do Thursday thirteen... but I'd like to stay original or more original. I've done some book reviews, but I'm an author, not a primary reviewer. I don't want to hurt feelings either. Most all of the books I read, I love.
I don't want to do a rambling post. I tend to soapbox, especially when my totlet needs picked up from school. Don't get me started on parents at a school when it's releasing...
Random hot guys is Tuesday... Friday is for Flirts and updates. Mondays are for author interviews/Monday Moans Character interviews. Hmm...
I'm always looking for ideas and suggestions. Thoughts? Bad jokes? How's the weather where you are? Let me know. :-)
Well, in North Central Texas, we're finally getting some rain and the temperatures are cooling off.
I was on vacation last week and read Please Remember Me, Ever Fallen in Love, and What Might Have Been - and thoroughly enjoyed each one; well done!!
Why thank you Karen C. I'm so glad you got rain and cooler temps and that you enjoyed my work. Makes my day. :-) Been chilly here in ohio. blech.
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