Wednesday, September 16, 2009

So Now What?

Waiting on the paperwork and the edits to begin. I know its coming.

What do I do in the mean time? Well, I went to school to be an art teacher. Yep, I thought I could deal with high school students and impart them with fabulous art techniques and the thrilling world of art history. Um..... it didn't happen.

One word - Jaded.

But that's not the point...

When I gave up teaching but took up crafting, well I actually never really quit crafting, but this time I decided to try the arts/crafts show circuit. Yep, I paint ceramics and trinkets. I love doing it because while I'm painting, I can work out the sticky issues in my plots and make the novels better. Oh and there's nothing like taking time away from a pesky character and working on a painting of a prized pup or kitten. Yep, I paint animal portraits for patrons.

Do I get to do it often? Well, no, but it's all bad. It's a great balance and that's what I think everyone needs -- a little balance in their lives and careers.

Well, enough random thoughts for now.


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