Monday, July 13, 2009

Oh Those Wonderful Synopsis... Synopsi... Synopsis'... Those Thingys That Condense Your Story...

Well, the revisions to You'll Think of Me are almost done. A few tweaks here and a few tucks there.

Now I have to do that blasted synopsis.

A friend told me that the synopsis can make or break the story. She's right. If the synopsis is poorly written or doesn't hook the editor then you might not as well have written it.

But I also know that there are those editors who skim the synopsis to see what's going on without really paying attention to the mechanics of it. They want to get to the actual piece of writing - they want the skinny and go straight to the story.

Note: you can't write a crummy synopsis and plan to get an editor who doesn't look at that part of the submission. Reality happens and most of them read the synopsis. If you have a chunk in the synopsis that doesn't show up in the story, they'll know. That might even break the deal.

So, I must get back to the synopsis. (If you can't tell, yes, I'm procrastinating.).

Toodles and wish me luck.


Hywela Lyn said...

c think most people will say that writing the synopsis is as hard, if not harder, than writing the actual book. There are those who say you should write the synopsis first - even if it changes it gives you a solid foundation to work with. I agree with that - but I still write the synopsis after I've written the book. Good luck!

Wendi Zwaduk and Megan Slayer said...

Thanks for the nod. I just hate writing the goofy things, even though I know they are a necessary evil.

Good luck!