Monday, April 6, 2009

Everything Seems to Go Down Hill and Then Wham! It Picks Back Up Again

We all know that writing is a fickle thing. In your mind, you have the greatest plot and the yummiest hero, but when it goes down on paper, this crazy thing happens: it's not exactly how you saw it.

When I wrote my very first MS, I wanted to write the coolest NASCAR romance ever. (I still think it's pretty darn good). I sat for hours at the computer, giving life to these characters that seemed like people I really knew. I worked and slaved to make sure the grammar and such was good, got rid of all the typos I could find and then, Ta-da! I submitted it. Turns out, I was probably the only person who thought it was that darn fantastic. Oh, the plot was good and the characters were engaging, but the grammar I thought I'd figured out... who knew you weren't supposed to use passive voice. So I fixed the PV and tried again. This time I had troubles with the point of view. I head hopped so bad it wasn't funny. Sure, I see the issue now, but then... my world seemed to crash and burn.

But I kept at it.

I continued to craft NASCAR themed romances and branched out into other characters... I wrote about a cop and an actor and a writer. I never neglected my racing theme. Most all of my characters either race, or they enjoy some form of racing. In time, I learned that PV was not always good, that POV is essential and I got my heart broken a few more times through rejection.

Still, I never gave up.

I know there is a market for my work and I know there is someone out there (Kiss and Ashley) that are there when I need help to fix the bumpy spots in my work. I also know that I can't give up. Sooner or later, one of my MS's will be just what the editor's looking for.

The next key thing... Patience.

So now I wait. The editor emailed me about Right Where I Need to Be and asked if I would send the full. I hope its a good sign, but after all I've been through, I know I can't count my chickens just yet.

Keep your fingers crossed for me because I'm doing the same for you.


Kealie Shay said...

Absolutely, fingers are definitely crossed.

Wendi Zwaduk and Megan Slayer said...

Crossed tight and i'm wound as tight as a drum in anticipation. Might need to find the maalox or some Milk chocolate Milano cookies. he he he he he