Feedback: How To Give It, How To Get It
by Jo Sparkes
Feedback … a kinder word for criticism, is an organic component to life.
When a toddler learns to walk, he falls. He screams, cries – and persists. What would happen to the human race if he gave up after a few bumps?
Before we could read self-help books, before we could understand a language and sit in a classroom, we learned by trial and error. “Feedback” is the natural teaching process. It’s how the creator set it up. It’s how the world actually works.
Here, at last, is a simple process for getting the most from all the feedback the world offers us.

I wasn't sure what to think when I opened this book. Would this be a help for my writing? A hurt? Waste of time? Like I said, i wasn't sure. Reaching the second paragraph showed me that this book was for real. I could learn and as Ms. Sparkes reminds, grow. I enjoyed how Ms. Sparkes broke down the ideas in the book in a way that explained without talking down to the reader. As much as it irritated me to be told not to use emotion when getting a crit - that's a major point in the book. I'm not thinking clearly when I'm letting my emotions get the better of me. Authors think they can handle being critiqued. Some can. This book broke that idea down into ways authors can use. I recommend authors read this concise book. It worked for me.
A valid point about emotion. Great to read your review thank you.
Thank you for hosting Jo today.
Thanks! I loved having Jo here!
Correct in that you should utilize any critiques you get and not let yourself get emotional.
I think this is an important book for a lot of people to read. There's a lot to learn about giving & receiving feedback.
Thanks for the great interview and review. Gale pgan427@yahoo.com
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