Saturday, December 10, 2011

Romancing Christmas Blog Hop!!

The Romancing Christmas Giveaway Hop is being hosted by Reading Romances!

What you can win here:

a $5 gift certificate to Changeling Press!!

How to enter:

Become a follower and comment about your favorite part of the Holidays!

Open to:

Everyone who is a follower or becomes a follower!


Nay Nay said...

Woo Hoo! I'm the first. Happy Holidays! My favorite thing about the holidays is seeing how nice people get during this time. I know that after the holidays, people go back to being self absorbed and selfish, but at this time, people give to those that are unfortunate, become much more polite and helpful. I just wish people could be like that year round.

Thanks for being part of the hop and for the chance to win such a great prize! <^_^>

reneebennett35 at yahoo dot com

Kaye Manro said...

Great blog hop, Wendi! My favorite time is New Years Eve. All the fast holiday rushy stuff is over and we can kick back and just have some partying fun!

Alyssa (Hesperia Loves Books) said...

My favorite part of the Holidays is being with my family & my birthday, which is the 30th. I always hated the Merry Christmas - Happy Birthday gifts growing up, but I've come to love it as an adult.

Thanks for the great giveaway!


Joanne said...

My favorite part of the holidays are the Christmas movies and specials. I love watching them. Thanks for the giveaway.


Elaine G said...

My favorite thing is decorating the house.
Thanks for the giveaway

Michelle Brack said...

My favorite part of the holidays is going to Christmas Eve mass and then coming home with the family to sit in front of the fireplace and Christmas tree, sip eggnog, and open (some!) presents!

Unknown said...

I love doing the christmas tree with the kids. :) this year we got a new used tree and the kids loved putting every ornament we owned on it. and the tree has yet to fall over unlike our tree from last year.

Terri M

Barbara said...

My favorite part of the holiday...COOKIES!!!

GFC follower - Barbara

Sophia Rose said...

Thanks for participating in the hop and for the giveaway opportunity.

My favorite part are family get-togethers.

GFC: Sophia Rose

Andrea said...

Thanks for the great giveaway. My favorite part is cooking Christmas dinner for my family.


books4me said...

The best part of the holidays is family! I was raised with the importance of family so I love spending time with them!

Twitter: books4me2

books4me67 at ymail dot com

Michelle Bledsoe said...

My favorite things about Christmas are the cold weather and family get-togethers....

GFC follower

koonie2888 at yahoo dot com

georgewho said...

Thanks so much for being part of this Hop. My favorite part of Christmas is watching my son open his presents on Christmas morning :)

Anne R said...

One of my favorite parts to this Holiday is our annual Family outing to get our Christmas tree.

Thanks for the great giveaway.
Email follower-areeths at new dot rr dot com

desitheblonde said...

thank you for the hop and then i got the stuff up and running out side tree will be late

Romancing the Book said...

Thanks for participating in the blog hop!

My favorite thing about this season is the music. I LOVE Christmas carols. :)

GFC follower as Romancing the Book
admin.bookblog AT

MamaElk said...

Thanks for participating! I love this time of year because everyone is so much nicer and happier. If people would act like this all year round, oh what a wonderful world this would be!

RoyalCheryl said...

My favorite thing about Christmas is watching my 6 year old dog open Christmas presents. We taught her as a puppy to open the gifts with her mouth and paws. She always gets her picture taken with Santa Claus and we tell her that the Santa Beagle is coming for her with presents. She is more excited about Christmas than even some kids. She is my furry little kid. That makes my Christmas full of memories each and every year.

AshleyS said...

I am following gfc. My favorite parts are egg nog, Christmas cookies, Christmas decorations, and more time spent with family!


cky15 said...

Thank you for this giveaway!
Holidays are hard when you are alone. My kids have thier own family. It is different when they leave the home.


Linda Henderson said...

The thing I enjoy the most is being with my family, having a big dinner and then playing games. My family loves to play games.

GFC as seriousreader

seriousreader at live dot com

Helen said...

I love spending time with friends and family
gfc= Helen
helldog3 at

ellepaulette said...

My favorite part of Christmas is when all the gifts are open and the kids are off playing with what they were given. Then Hubby and I can snuggle on the couch and have a truly peaceful moment together.

Mary Preston said...

My favorite part of the holidays is decorating the Christmas Tree.


Unknown said...

My favorite part of any holiday is getting to spend quality time with my family & friends.

drainbamaged.gyzmo at

IdentitySeeker said...

Thanks for this giveaway:)

GFC follower: IdentitySeeker

Favourite part of my holiday is when I get to spend time at the beach. Sun, sand and surf- yeah, baby!



Anne said...

The 4 paid days off and the treats are the best part of the holiday for me.

latishajean said...

What a great giveaway thank you very much! I love the lights at christmas my favorite and watching christmas movies!
GFC follower-latishajean

Laura H. said...

Happy Holidays! Thanks for the great giveaway and for participating in this blog hop! I’m a new follower via Twitter (MamaHendo3). My favorite part of the holidays is spending time with family I haven't seen in a while.


June M. said...

My favorite part of the holidays is spending time with my family, especially my nieces and nephews. Thank you for the giveaway and I hope you have a great holiday season!
GFC follower: June M.
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com

geschumann said...

GFC - Gloria
I like church & getting together with family. Thanks!

geschumann at live dot com

Shadow said...

Happy holidays! My favorite part of Christmas is seeing my family and spending the day with them. We have a thanksgiving like dinner and watch movies and play games. I love it! Thanks for the giveaway!
gfc- shadow_kohler

Vanessa N. said...

My favorite part is spending time with family and the food. Cool giveaway.

Robin Blankenship said...
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Robin Blankenship said...

GFC Follower. I love seeing people that live across the country.

robinblankenship at gmail dot com

Krysykat said...

My favorite part of Christmas is baking cookies, I love how the smells permeate the air in the whole house.
GFC- Krysta Banco
