Here's a little bit about the book:
Luck of the Irish
by Liz Gavin

Declan Slane is twenty-six and works at a hotel bar in Dublin. He hasn’t been very lucky in his love life so far. Also, he has got a troubled past he has chosen not to revisit in order to keep his sanity. Because he isn’t looking for a girlfriend, Declan isn’t very pleased to meet a certain breathtaking American who walks into his bar one afternoon.
Get a taste of adventure and heartache as Keira spreads her wings and matures while she gets to know her great-grandparents’ home country – Ireland. Hold your breath when she faces tough decisions and dangers. Root for Keira while she weighs up the consequences of making love for the first time. Bite your nails when she comes across unforeseen threats.
Liz Gavin’s second full-length novel is hard to put down just as it is hard to pinpoint its genre. She has woven an intricate web around her characters that will leave readers breathless. In the sizzling concoction, this talented new author poured heart-warming romance, heart-stopping suspense, and a dash of heart-searching paranormal. Take your pick. Regardless of the literary genre you might favor, Liz Gavin’s writing will take you to a whole different side of it.
And now for an Excerpt!
When Declan opened his eyes again, he didn’t know how much
time had passed. The house was deadly quiet. O’Hallon was nowhere to be seen.
Sluggish, Declan crawled forward and sat up beside Keira. He could barely
breathe, due to the effort to move and the loss of blood, but he pulled her
lifeless body onto his lap and held her close. He hugged her tight against his
chest. He buried his face in her hair, which was covered in blood, and cried
like he hadn’t cried since he was a little boy. He felt like he was six again.
“Please, please, don’t leave me, Keira.”
His sobs filled the air. He balled his hands into fists,
frustrated because Keira didn’t respond. He couldn’t face the evidence that she
wasn’t able to answer him.
“This is my fault, too. He wouldn’t have killed you, if I
had let you go with him.”
He sat there, rocking back and forth for a long time, hanging
on to her as if he could bring her back by sheer power of will. The thought
that she was gone forever caused such burning pain in his chest, much stronger
than the one from the bullet. He couldn’t breathe.
“Please, don’t go. I can’t bear it if you leave me, too.”
And now for the interview!!
What group did you hang out with in high school?
Ooohhhhh I was part of the crowd that stirred trouble,
never got caught, and always got good grades. The teachers never had a chance
with us because they never suspected us of any wrong-doing. It was awesome.
What are you passionate about these days?
The Graduate course I'm going to. It's quite demanding
but (I) love a challenge so am enjoying it a lot.
If you had to do your journey to getting published all
over again, what would you do differently?
I would start it earlier.
Ebook or print? And why?
tough one. Before I became a writer I was
an avid reader. I would read almost anything I could find. I revered the pages
of books to the point I was unable to write on their margins as some of my friends
did when we were teens. (Yes, I’m old. I grew up reading books, not Kindle!!! LOL)
Anyway, the point I’m trying to make is that I viewed printed books as precious
things. In fact, I’m a book hoarder and my idea of Paradise is an library
without end. You can imagine how hard it was for me to accept the idea of a
thing called ‘ebook’, which people read on LCD screens. LOL I was only
convinced they were a good thing when I realized I could carry my endless
library with me anywhere I went. I had found my Heaven on Earth! hehe
What is your favorite scene in this book?
Well I'd have to give a humongous spoiler here to be
able to answer this and make sense so pardon me for being cryptic. The hardest
scene for me to write is my favorite one in the book and that's the one where
Declan comes through as a real knight in shining armor.
About the Author:
When Liz Gavin
was in Second Grade - just a couple of years ago, really - her teacher told her
mother the little girl should start a diary because she needed an outlet for
her active and vivid imagination. She was a talkative child who would disrupt
the class by engaging her colleagues in endless conversations. She loved
telling them the stories her grandfather used to tell her.
Apparently, the
teacher wasn’t a big fan of those stories, and Liz’s mother bought her a diary.
She happily wrote on it for a couple of months. Unable to see the appeal of
writing for her own enjoyment only, she gave up on it. She missed the audience
her friends provided her in class. She went back to disturbing her dear teacher’s
Since then, she
has become a hungry reader. She will read anything and everything she can get
her hands on – from the classics to erotica. That’s how she has become a writer
of erotica and romance, as well.
As a young
adult, she participated in a student exchange program and lived in New Orleans
for six months. She fell in love with the city and its wonderful inhabitants.
NOLA will always hold a special spot in Liz Gavin’s heart. Nowadays, living in
Brazil, Liz’s creativity has improved many times because it’s such a vibrant,
gorgeous and sexy country.
Welcome to her
world of hot Alpha males and naughty, independent women. Add a touch of the
paranormal in the presence of some wicked souls and you’ll get the picture.
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Happy to be a part of this tour, thank you for sharing!
Thank you for hosting
Good Morning! Raining here in Michigan but hope your day is a sunny one. Thanks for this giveaway
It's been a great tour!
I've enjoyed following the tour for Luck of the Irish and reading all of the excerpts and reviews! It really sounds like a great book and I can't wait to read it, thanks for sharing :)
Sounds like a great read. I have enjoyed the tour.
Thank you for the chance to win :)
I'm sorry I can't reply to each individual comment as I usually do. But on this last stop on the tour, I'd like to thank EVERYONE of you awesome people who followed the tour, commented on the post, and supported Luck of the Irish. You're much appreciated!
To Goddess Fish what else can I say? YOU ROCK, ladies. Thank you for the best blog tour I've ever took part in. And I've done quite a few. LOL You're the most professional, easygoing, and honest people. THANKS.
Wendi, thank YOU so much for hosting Luck of the Irish on your blog today. Your support is invaluable.
Dropping by to wish everyone a happy Friday!
Thanks again for the excerpt and interview! I look forward to reading the book. I wish you lots of success and thank you for the giveaway!! :)
I'm back, hope you're not too tired of hearing from me. Thanks again for this opportunity to win and have a terrific day!
Sounds like a great read, thank you for the interesting interview!
Excellent interview! I also enjoyed reading the excerpt. This book sounds like such an interesting and intriguing read. Looking forward to checking out this book.
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