Thursday, February 11, 2010

14.99 for an ebook?

Okay, I got my first ereader this Christmas (well, not if you count my laptop). As much as I hate to admit this, I want nothing of spending 15 bucks for a digital file. I have an iPod and I refuse to spend a ton of money to download a song when I can put my cd's on the thing for free.

Speaking as a writer who will have stories for sale via digital files, I don't want the authors to get the shaft, but at the same time, I'm still not keen on spending 35 bucks for a hardcover bestseller (sorry, I still won't buy a Stephen King book until its in paperback and he's one of my favorite authors). I just don't have that kind of cash.

But then again, that's why I try to help out my friends and buy titles by those I know. And yes, I still buy the paperback copies of books that are my friends' titles because I know how little the

Want to read the article for yourself? Here's the link. You decide.


Cari Quinn said...

I agree with you, Wendi. Much as I want to help out authors, I can't afford to shell out that much cash, even for my favorite writers. I love sales that bring ebooks down to only a couple bucks...just a few weeks ago, I got 4 for $7.00. At those prices, I can afford to try many more new-to-me authors.

Wendi Zwaduk and Megan Slayer said...

Yeah, I was so excited that I got 8 ebooks for around 20 bucks. And I know I'll like them all because the authors are ones I know or have read before. But yeah, 35 bucks for a Stephen King book, no matter how much I like his work, is too danged much.