It's a virtual tour for the box set Other Worlds and there is a whole lot of fun going on. Check it out! There are prizes up for grabs. Like? The authors will be awarding a $25 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. How cool is that? Want more chances to win? Then follow the tour. You can do that here:
by Allyson Lindt, Award-Winning
author A.D. Trosper
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author R. A. Steffan
Jennifer Rose McMahon
Award-Winning author Amy L
Shawnee Small and K. R.
Award-Winning author Lea
Mychal Daniels and Laura
Shawna Romkey and Elizabeth
E.A. Weston
Award-Winning author Lindsay
LaVerne Thompson and Starla
Jayne Fury and Isadora Brown
Journey into a
multiverse beyond the boundaries of your imagination…
21 award-winning and
best-selling authors bring you the best of PARANORMAL and SCI-FI ROMANCE in
this enticing boxed set of exclusive epic adventures.
Rogue spaceship
captains, dark vampire lords, supernatural hunters, crafty hackers,
uncompromising alien alphas, fearless shifters, and MORE await in this highly
sought-after collection including BRAND NEW romantic, otherworldly tales!
as these fresh voices of SFR and PNR take you on a journey to immortal realms
and extraterrestrial territories where your imagination takes flight and
fantasies come to life.
Now for an Interview with author Lindsay Avalon!
1. Describe yourself in three words.
Mother Dreamer Author
2. Cast your book. Tell us who would play the main characters in a movie and why.
These are always so freaking hard because I'll admit, I absolutely fail miserably at knowing actors names lmao! I'll give it a try though. For the heroine, Skye, I would cast Jaime Alexander ( because I adore the look of her. She looks strong and badass and she was my inspiration when writing Skye.
For Dreyvin, I'd have to go with Hugh Jackman ( because he is ruggedly handsome and is a really versatile actor. I think he could really pull off the stiff, formal alpha who falls for Skye in a convincing manner :)
3. What’s your favorite love scene from a movie?
Hmm, this is a tough one. From a serious perspective, honestly, I'd have to pick The Fifth Element. It doesn't really show much, but I adore that movie so damn much and I love their passion as they recover from saving the world.
From a humorous perspective, the scene from Robin Hood Men in Tights is so hilariously realistic for how my husband and I would react that I adore it.
4. What’s your wildest fantasy?
Probably what you read in my books lol. I tend to put myself into my heroines so things like having magical powers, saving the world, having sex standing up against the wall with a sexy alpha get the picture. That last one especially because I'm so damn short that it's just not feasible for me in real life. I'm not a delicate little flower easily picked up and maneuvered into place, so it really is pretty much impossible for me
5. If you were to lose one of your senses, which would you rather lose and why?
Ooo another tough one. Part of me says hearing because I'm very sensitive to some sounds and I think being able to escape those sounds would be bliss. HOWEVER, now that I'm a mother, I can't imagine not hearing my son's voice. Therefore, I think I'll go with losing my sense of smell. It would throw off my sense of taste, but at least I'd miss out on the stinky diapers!
6. What is the naughtiest thing you did as a kid?
When I was in junior high, a few friends and I streaked through an apartment complex then went down to the side of the highway and flashed some cars. Then a cop pulled over and we booked it. I felt like such a fugitive lmao
Boxers or Briefs? Boxers all the way
Top or Bottom? Definitely bottom...most of the time
Pajamas or nude? Pajamas
Hairy chests or smooth? Hairy for sure
Alpha or Beta? Alpha all the way
And now the blurb from Lindsay Avalon's Falling Skye:
It had been more than a century since humans colonized the first planet beyond the Milky Way. The result: Gaia’Tor—some even called it The New Garden of Eden. They were wrong.
Gifted with strong telepathic and empathic skills, Arabella Skye can cut through lies as easily as rice paper. Or so she thought. When a stranger begins following her, she realizes that for the first time, someone is immune to her gifts. Intrigued, she finds herself compelled to pursue the mysterious man...straight into the heart of danger.
Dreyvin Aylarz’s only objective is to infiltrate and subjugate the people of Gaia’tor. The destruction of such a paradise by the humans means no one will be spared. Yet when he discovers a slip of a woman with a warlord’s courage resisting the invasion, Dreyvin finds himself questioning orders for the first time. An act of treason equaling death.
1. Describe yourself in three words.
Mother Dreamer Author
2. Cast your book. Tell us who would play the main characters in a movie and why.
These are always so freaking hard because I'll admit, I absolutely fail miserably at knowing actors names lmao! I'll give it a try though. For the heroine, Skye, I would cast Jaime Alexander ( because I adore the look of her. She looks strong and badass and she was my inspiration when writing Skye.
For Dreyvin, I'd have to go with Hugh Jackman ( because he is ruggedly handsome and is a really versatile actor. I think he could really pull off the stiff, formal alpha who falls for Skye in a convincing manner :)
3. What’s your favorite love scene from a movie?
Hmm, this is a tough one. From a serious perspective, honestly, I'd have to pick The Fifth Element. It doesn't really show much, but I adore that movie so damn much and I love their passion as they recover from saving the world.
From a humorous perspective, the scene from Robin Hood Men in Tights is so hilariously realistic for how my husband and I would react that I adore it.
4. What’s your wildest fantasy?
Probably what you read in my books lol. I tend to put myself into my heroines so things like having magical powers, saving the world, having sex standing up against the wall with a sexy alpha get the picture. That last one especially because I'm so damn short that it's just not feasible for me in real life. I'm not a delicate little flower easily picked up and maneuvered into place, so it really is pretty much impossible for me
5. If you were to lose one of your senses, which would you rather lose and why?
Ooo another tough one. Part of me says hearing because I'm very sensitive to some sounds and I think being able to escape those sounds would be bliss. HOWEVER, now that I'm a mother, I can't imagine not hearing my son's voice. Therefore, I think I'll go with losing my sense of smell. It would throw off my sense of taste, but at least I'd miss out on the stinky diapers!
6. What is the naughtiest thing you did as a kid?
When I was in junior high, a few friends and I streaked through an apartment complex then went down to the side of the highway and flashed some cars. Then a cop pulled over and we booked it. I felt like such a fugitive lmao
Boxers or Briefs? Boxers all the way
Top or Bottom? Definitely bottom...most of the time
Pajamas or nude? Pajamas
Hairy chests or smooth? Hairy for sure
Alpha or Beta? Alpha all the way
And now the blurb from Lindsay Avalon's Falling Skye:
It had been more than a century since humans colonized the first planet beyond the Milky Way. The result: Gaia’Tor—some even called it The New Garden of Eden. They were wrong.
Gifted with strong telepathic and empathic skills, Arabella Skye can cut through lies as easily as rice paper. Or so she thought. When a stranger begins following her, she realizes that for the first time, someone is immune to her gifts. Intrigued, she finds herself compelled to pursue the mysterious man...straight into the heart of danger.
Dreyvin Aylarz’s only objective is to infiltrate and subjugate the people of Gaia’tor. The destruction of such a paradise by the humans means no one will be spared. Yet when he discovers a slip of a woman with a warlord’s courage resisting the invasion, Dreyvin finds himself questioning orders for the first time. An act of treason equaling death.
About Lindsay Avalon:

Lindsay Avalon is a wife, owner of a devious mini Schnauzer,
programmer, and now an author. An avid reader, her amazing husband never seems
to mind the multitude of books scattered around the house. However, after
listening to the words “I have nothing to read” one too many times, he
suggested Lindsay try her hand at writing her own books.
Since she’d never liked writing in school, she balked at the
idea until her sister pestered her to participate in NaNoWriMo. It was then
Lindsay realized that it was never writing she hated; it was writing boring
essays. Creating worlds of magic, mystery, adventure, and romance became her
true calling. In 2012, she embarked on the journey to become a self-published
author and to bring her crazy ideas to life.
In 2013, Lindsay decided to ask a fellow author about her
publishing company, Crushing Hearts and Black Butterfly. It was a spur of the
moment, impulsive decision, and one which Lindsay is eternally grateful she
made. Though self-publishing was exhilarating, being a part of her amazing
publishing family gives her a bit of structure in her chaotic existence.
When she’s not writing or spending time with her husband,
she’s hiding out from devious bears seeking to thwart her writing efforts,
pestering her amazing friends and personal assistant, creating works of art in
resin, and a multitude of other things that capture her attention at the
moment. You can find Lindsay online spreading insanity across Facebook and
interacting with her many lovelies. She loves hearing from her readers and
fellow writers!
Amazon Author:
Facebook Author:
Amazon Author:
Facebook Author:
Twitter: @LindsayAvalon
Her next book, Falling Skye, is part of the Other Worlds Collection, a special $0.99
boxed set bundle of 20 PNR and SFR novels for a limited time. Preorder now!
Pre-order now to secure YOUR copy of
this limited edition Sci-Fi Romance and Paranormal Romance collection!
The book will be on sale for
$0.99 during the tour.
Buy link
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a Rafflecopter giveaway
Thanks for hosting!
Happy Monday! Thanks for sharing the great post :)
I enjoyed reading the interview; congrats on the tour and thanks for the chance to win :)
What book would you like to see a sequel to? Thanks for the giveaway. I hope that I win. Bernie W BWallace1980(at)hotmail(d0t)com
What is the most overrated book that you have ever read? Thanks for the giveaway. I hope that I win. Bernie W BWallace1980(at)hotmail(d0t)com
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